10/24/24 - Newest Tweaks
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 4:02 pm
- logo situated
- sitename and slogan area is now clickable to bring you back "HOME"
- Mentions - in a FULL EDITOR reply to a post or posting a NEW item you can mention other users - @username and pick the user from the popup list
- Media Pack - X post urls and others EMBED automatically
- in forum view you can "hover" on a post title to see a preview
- added "Verified" users (mainly for OG SG heads)
- added "open all links in new window" setting
- added custom board "Annoucement" message (pink message/banner, can be customized)
- added a shit ton of emojis - will prob remove a bunch that are wack
- added CloudFlare cache = fast site load speeds!
- added "Thanks" to posts - think of these like "Likes" - right-hand corner of every post
- added new site FAVICON - scales to all devices as well as Bookmarks / Shortcuts etc
- added SHARED WEB PREVIEW metadata to make our links posted elsewhere look pretty
- added TOPIC TYPE to some forums (Music & Movies, Sports etc)